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Some small knowledge of precision casting
- 2021-03-13-

Precision casting is actually to reshape the appearance of the original object in a general direction, and obtain the general term of precision dimensional casting technology.
Before the emergence of precision casting technology, the traditional sand casting technology was used. After the emergence of precision casting technology, the size of the castings obtained during the production process was more accurate, and the surface roughness was greatly improved.
Precision is a general term, including investment casting, ceramic casting, metal casting, pressure casting, etc.
The approximate process of precision casting: wax pressing-wax repair-tree formation-shell making-pouring-post-treatment-inspection.
The development prospects of the precision casting industry are broad. At present, the precision casting molding technology in the world is developing rapidly and is widely used. Judging from the current situation, the future development trend of this technology is that casting products are getting closer and closer to the production of parts and components. Judging from the current development analysis, the future development prospects are quite good.