Guangdong alloy steel castingThe machining process of the machined parts:
(1) What is aging treatment? The method of heating the castings after solution treatment to the set temperature, continuing for a while, and gradually cooling them in the air is called aging. If the aging strengthening is completed at room temperature, it is called natural aging, and if the aging strengthening is completed in an environment higher than room temperature and heated for a period of time, it is called artificial aging. The aging treatment undergoes a spontaneous process of supersaturated solid solution differentiation, which can restore the lattice of the alloy matrix to a relatively stable condition.
(2) What is annealing treatment? The process of heating aluminum alloy castings to generally around 300°C, holding it for a period of time, and cooling to room temperature with the furnace is called annealing. During annealing, the solid solution will be differentiated, and the second phase particles will be aggregated, which can remove the internal stress of the casting, keep the scale of the casting stable, avoid deformation, and enhance the plasticity of the casting.
(3) What is solution treatment? The casting is heated to almost the melting point of the eutectic, and then kept at this temperature for a longer time, and then rapidly cooled to allow the strengthening components to be best dissolved. Keep this high temperature condition until room temperature. This process is called solid solution deal with. Solution treatment can enhance the strength and plasticity of castings and improve the corrosion resistance of the alloy. The effect of solution treatment is generally related to solution treatment temperature, solution treatment holding time, and cooling rate.
becauseGuangdong carbon steel castingThe products are formed in different shapes, so different finishing methods are required. The use of rotating equipment to drive the flexible shaft to deepen the inside of the casting pipe hole for yarn clearing is suitable for the situation where important castings cannot be heated by a sensation. There are roughly the following methods:
1. Regarding the treatment of sandblasting of castings;
2. Regarding the treatment of mechanical sand removal;
3. Regarding the finishing of compressed air;
4. The stainless steel castings are sandblasted by liquid sandblasting machine;
5.Guangdong Stainless Steel CastingThe pieces are cleaned with a pneumatic pick, heating and fine vibration are used to produce cores with cast aluminum easily collapsible resin. When using buried copper pipes instead of sand cores, casting pipes can be removed by immersing in 40-50% nitric acid.
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