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The development of precision cast steel at this stage
- 2020-09-21-

At this stage, China’s national environmental protection policy has promoted the implementation of low emission standards.Precision cast steelThe dust removal structure of the foundry industry has encountered rectification or improvement of the treatment range. Whether it is the electric furnace dust collector of the smelting furnace or the casting workshop, the designated treatment of post sewage treatment and rectification is implemented to ensure the standardized results of environmental protection regulations.

a lot ofPrecision cast steelVendorUnder the pressure of environmental protection work, there are only two roads——Replacement and transformation and development are also two ways of environmental improvement. One is to eliminate "three high" enterprises; the other is to help and cultivate green enterprises. If the rolling mill becomes a green enterprise, on the one hand, it will promote the transformation and development of the enterprise, cultivate new breakthrough points, and generate new core competitiveness; on the other hand, it can obtain government assistance, which is conducive to the future production and operation of the enterprise. . Regarding environmental protection as a reform of the foundry industry, continuous improvement and perfection, environmental protection has raised the threshold of the field, and rectified the discipline of the field. In this way, it belongs to these enterprises that have overall strength and stayed behind.


According to the size of the foundry industry, the scale of operation and the casting process are different, there is a basic difference in the environmental protection plan of the design plan, which directly harms the cost of the design plan, and is environmentally friendly.Precision cast steelVendor, Take measures to effectively deal with the fume and dust of sandbox casting in the rolling mill. For the customers in the foundry industry, the plan design of the supply of relevant data should be integrated with the specific conditions of the company’s own processing technology, with regard to its casting method, bulk casting time, and tracking cycle The casting area and several process stages are used to design and produce the tail end processing technology that the large air volume is transformed into the small area air volume according to data analysis. The design of the secondary overall ash removal of the casting interior space should be considered in the older casting workshop , Adopting the definition of dividing into parts, combining smoke and dust, using unorganized emissions to implement organized cyclones to correctly guide, and centralized design solutions to save the cost of enterprises due to the wide, unobstructed, and more scattered problems. , To reduce the business cost in the middle and late stages of the enterprise.