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Do you know about sand forging?
- 2020-10-12-

For example, for sand forging, many manufacturing factories should create conditions to select excellent modeling and core-making methods. The production efficiency of the old-style shock-type or shock-pressure molding machine production line is not very high, the work pressure of the employees is large, the noise is large, and it is not suitable for many manufacturing regulations. It should be gradually updated in many aspects. For small and medium-sized castings, a boxless high pressure molding machine production line that can be divided horizontally or vertically can be selected. The productivity of solid molding is high and the area is small; for middle parts, various types of high pressure molding machines can be used. Molding machine production line and air-punch molding line, in order to incorporate the requirements of rapid and high-precision molding production line, Dongguan precision casting core-making methods can adopt: cold core box, hot core box, shell core and other high-efficiency core-making methods.


The medium batch of large castings in Dongguan precision casting can be considered to use resin self-setting sand for modeling and core making

For heavy castings manufactured in small batches, manual modeling is still the key method. Manual modeling can incorporate a variety of complicated regulations, which is more convenient, and does not require many processing technology and equipment. Able to use water glass sand mold,VRH method sodium silicate sand mold, organic chemical ester sodium silicate self-setting sand mold, clay dry mold, resin self-setting sand mold and cement sand mold, etc.; Dongguan precision castingFor heavy castings manufactured in a single piece, the pit modeling method is selected for low cost and quick production. For mass production or long-term production, multi-box modeling and split-box modeling are more suitable. Although mold shells and sandboxes start to invest high, they can be compensated for saving modeling man-hours and improving product quality.