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There are fewer and fewer talents in the precision casting industry in Dongguan
- 2019-05-05-

According to investigations, 58% of enterprises have the most urgent shortage of smelting workers, 20% of enterprises have a shortage of styling workers, and 46% of enterprises have a shortage of full-time workers.Dongguan Precision CastingEngineers, 49% of companies have a shortage of foundry craftsmen, and 34% of companies have a shortage of quality inspectors and professional management personnel. The phenomenon of lack of talents is no longer an exception in the foundry profession.

1. The poor career development situation of Dongguan precision casting has led to the loss of talents

In recent years, the global professional recession has caused the foundry industry to shrink and sink. Many companies have reduced production, suspended production or even closed down. However, the prices of bulk foundry raw materials have risen, and corporate profits have declined rapidly. The remuneration and development direction of talents have been frustrated, the diversification of market demand, and the number of skilled personnel for job changes and career changes are increasing.

two,Dongguan Precision CastingThe shrinkage of training institutions in colleges and universities has led to a shortage of high-quality talents

From the 1950s to the 1990s, more than 50 domestic colleges and universities established casting majors, which are the main channels for cultivating casting talents. However, with the reform of education and the expansion of majors, casting, welding, casting and other majors are no longer included in the professional catalog of the Ministry of Education. Most Dongguan precision casting schools no longer establish casting majors, and there are very few casting graduates. In addition, some large and medium-sized enterprises are busy with production, and there is a downward trend in factory-run schools, which makes it increasingly difficult for new talents in Dongguan precision castings to come from.

3. The working environment of precision cast steel is harsh, and the enthusiasm for the industry is not high

Most companies face the test of high temperature, noise, pungent gas, dust, and poor working environment. In addition, the current national economic reforms continue to deepen, the living standards of citizens continue to improve, the degree of freedom for graduates of precision steel castings to choose jobs is relatively large, and the treatment advantages of foundry companies are not obvious enough, which to a large extent dilutes the younger generation. Enthusiasm and enthusiasm for a casting career.

Fourth, the aging of casting talents, casting skills are not available

Nowadays, most of the older generation of precision cast steel experts are now in their twilight years, and there is an urgent need to teach them all their lives to the new generation, but the casting backbone is highly mobile, there are few talents trained in professional colleges, and the enthusiasm for talents is not high. , Strict professional requirements and other factors, resulting in fewer seedlings for the inheritance of skills, etc., resulting in nowhere to train precision cast steel skills and the difficult situation of no one to pass on.

The master said:Precision cast steelThe mechanical profession is a huge profession, the foundation of all professions, and the knowledge inside requires a lot of sweat to understand. It is a career worthy of our efforts.